new mini course

it's not you, it's the diet

7 steps to breaking up with toxic diet culture forever

Are you sick of the diet cycle?

I don't know about you, but I am so sick and tired of diet culture. I'm done with restrictive eating, counting calories, and feeling bad about my body. It's time to break up with diet culture for good…and I have something that you can try today to kickstart your journey!

My new mini course, "It's Not You, It's The Diet" will teach you my proven, 7-step B.R.E.A.K.U.P. Method to begin moving diet culture into your rearview mirror - for ever!

I used to be stuck in the cycle of restrictive dieting and punitive exercise, constantly berating myself for not having the “perfect” body. But since ending my oh so toxic relationship with diet culture, I have finally come to find body peace, food freedom and a deeper love and appreciation for all of the parts of me!

And I want the same for you! You deserve to experience body liberation, self-compassion and joyful movement. 

Imagine what it would feel like to not obsess about your weight, to eat freely without guilt, to appreciate your body for simply existing. Doesn't that sound amazing? I get giddy just thinking about it!

You have the power to create that reality for yourself. Sign up for "It's Not You, It's The Diet"  and get an INSTANT download of this course directly to your email! You'll be on the path to a new life free from the overwhelming influence of toxic diet culture in no time!

Repeat after me

There is nothing wrong with my body.

I am so much more than a body.

My body has never been the problem.

Sick of Feeling Bad About Your Body?

Dieting often leaves us feeling ashamed and defective for not achieving unrealistic body goals. In this course, you'll learn tools to foster body peace and celebrate your unique beauty.

Can't Stand the Anxiety and Guilt Around Food?

Restrictive eating leads to stress, guilt, and anguish. Learn exactly WHY dieting is so bad for your body so that you overcome the urge to ever go backwards.

You Have the Power. 

This program gives you the tools and support to create lasting change from the inside out. Gain valuable resources for fueling your breakup with diet culture. Your journey to food freedom and body neutrality starts right now.

The toxic Diet Cycle Stops Here. 

Imagine Life Without Dieting...

A life where you can finally eat without guilt. Where you make peace with the body you have. Where food and exercise are sources of joy, not punishment. This is possible for you!


Join the Movement!

are you ready to start honoring your body?

enroll today for only


special offer - price bumps up soon!